Avalokitesvara, also known as Chenrezig (Tibetan), is the Buddha and Bodhisattva of compassion. He has four arms, symbolizing his unceasing compassionate activity for the benefit of all beings. His upper right hand holds the crystal mala of compassionate skillful means, his upper left the lotus flower of wisdom and his two lower hands hold the wish fulfilling jewel in the praying mudra, granting all sentient beings the fulfilment of happiness free from suffering.
+ Free Shipping for order of $100 or moreThis statue is an exclusive piece of master craft quality work. It is cast in bronze and hand carved to perfection down to the smallest detail. The dark oxidized bronze finish grants this statue an exclusive, antique look. The various emblems and jewelry are partly silver plated and partly gilded. The excellently carved and beautifully painted face is painted with 24 karat gold.
Origin : Patan, Nepal.
Quality : Hand crafted, cast in bronze with oxidized dark bronze finish. Partly silver plated and gilded. Face gold plated with 24 karat gold. Master quality.
Height : 22 cm.(8.7 inches)
Weight : 1.606 kg
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